martes, 7 de abril de 2009

Vilma is in the combat dressed in guerrilla

By Reinier Barrios Mesa

Many people said that April is the flowers month and precisely in this month was born one of the most authentic women of the Cuban history, who always was full of tenderness, affection and will.

Vilma Espin Guillot was born on April 7th, 1930 and from that date on her star shone so much like the stars from her Santiago; when she was a child she sang in the choirs from her school and when she was a young woman she participated in the different student protests that took place in the Santiago university, where Vilma consolidated her political and revolutionary maturity.

She went to the Sierra Maestra in the middle of those struggle times taking messages, fighting as any man and she fell in love of Raul Castro, to whom Vilma always had an smile in spite of that the time was not enough to attend the house, the family and the children.

She was the Vilma of all the Cuban women, who fought in the parliament, who participated in all the congresses and events where she work to unite wills and to look for the respect and the tolerance for whom were and are different people.

We dismiss Vilma of the life some time ago, but nowadays she continues in the combat, dressed in guerrilla because not even the death, the caprices and not even the time can extinguished the tremendous shine of this star that her tenderness was.

viernes, 6 de marzo de 2009

The municipal radio festival left good experiences

By Reinier Barrios Mesa

The municipal radio festival that recently ended in Florida was an opportunity of meeting between the people who make radio and its listeners; a moment to improve the work, precisely in this year when this station arrives to its 40 anniversary.

During three days, the workers from Radio Florida station developed debates about the role of the consultancy in the radio as a guarantee to obtain a higher efficiency in the programming; the importance to apply the results of the researches made about the audience levels and other important topics.

The participation of a significant number of programs proved the will of the artist from this station to participate in events like this. The works presented by the journalists in this festival showed the spirit of them to fulfil the mission to reflect the reality using the criticism and the opinion.

For next editions to the municipal radio festival in Florida is necessary to think on the possibility to extend this event beyond the station in order to the audience may participate in the different activities.

Now, when the municipal radio festival in Florida is history, the people who work in its station have the commitment to put into practice all what we learned during this important event with the love we feel for an art that is sound, love and life.

miércoles, 25 de febrero de 2009

Professors from Florida get ready for the event “University 2010”

By Reinier Barrios Mesa

The experiences acquired during the six years that the university education is applied in Florida will be tackled in each educational centers from this teaching when next march will be celebrated the event “University 2010”.

During these days in these centers are received the papers, researches and other pedagogical experiences that show the results of this process of a deep social transformation.

Topics such as the university extension, the use of the new technologies in favour to the teaching and the impact that these institutions provoke in the community are among the proposals will be presented.

“University 2010” is the most important event from the university education in the country, for this reason in Florida the professors from this teaching are getting ready to assure the quality of this event in this municipality, where this idea of Fidel Castro already shows significant results.

Among the works presented by the journalists from Radio News programs participate in the municipal radio festival in Florida

By Reinier Barrios Mesa

A significant representation of the journalist work from last year participates in the municipal radio festival; event that began this February 24th in Florida and that will finish next Friday 26th.

Florida are the testimony of Pedro Pablo Zaez Herrera about Gladys Ramirez, the mother of Rene Molina, a young man who died when the Cuban mission in Angola.

Among the proposals are also the information made by the experimented journalist Humberto Guevara that is about the birth of a lion in the municipal zoo; the advances obtained in a rural community from Florida after the Revolution triumph written by Francisco Sierra, while the chronic “Homage to Frank” and “Interview to Miriam” made by Yailen Diaz and Reinier Barrios, represent the young generation of journalists.

As a news programs also participate in this new edition of the radio festival in Florida the newsreel “ Acontecer” and an informative program that reflects the recovery labour after the passing of the hurricanes, while the program of social facilitation offers a critic analysis about the situation of the transportation in the territory.

sábado, 21 de febrero de 2009

The art instructor day: Homage to these dream makers

By Reinier Barrios Mesa

“Culture is shield and sword of the nation”: These words pronounced by Fidel Castro and that the Cuban people made yours 50 years ago, made possible that now we have the art as an essential component in the formation of the new generations and as a cuirasses to face the constant attacks of our enemies that wish to destroy the social project we build.

Culture also made possible the creation of the art instructors’ movement, an army integrated by young people

That in the first years of the Revolution climbed the mountains or went to the Zapata swamp or to the plains from Camagüey to teach the different artistic expressions.

The ideas battle gave new spirits to this Fidel’s idea and the schools located in each province formed and today continuing teaching an army of young people that integrate the brigade Jose Marti when they graduate.

From the schools, the old people home, the rural communities and other places, these art instructors build the dream of the new artists, impulse the art and receive grateful smiles because of their creator work.

The Cuban people congratulate the art instructors in their day because they know they were and are main characters of important moments in this present of victories and the best gift is the affection of the children, who consider them as real dream makers.

miércoles, 4 de febrero de 2009

The pedagogical detachment “Manuel Ascunce Domenech” was created in Florida

By Reinier Barrios Mesa

With a deserve homage to Jose Marti, one of the highest teachers from Cuba, was created in Florida the detachment “Manuel Ascunce Domenech”, that now is integrated by the young people that study the first year of different pedagogical specialities.

The ceremony was celebrated in the secondary school “Lopez Recio Loynaz” where assisted leaders from the University students’ federation and principals from the municipal educational sector, who share with the young people the songs and poems that remembered the life and work of Jose Marti.

Johana Fundora Leyva, spoke in the name of all the members of this detachment and she explained the commitment that means for their lives the fact to assume the task of educate the new generations as well as she exhorted their mates to keep the discipline and the responsibility with the study and other missions assigned by the organization.

The more than 60 young people that began their studies in the pedagogical university from Florida and that now integrate the detachment “Manuel Ascunce Domenech” are already developing their practices in the different educational centers from the territory, where they work with the help of tutors to look for new strategies that make possible to assume the class as better as possible.

jueves, 22 de enero de 2009

A new group of solidarity with the 5 Cuban heroes was created in Florida

By Reinier Barrios Mesa

The solidarity and the dedication of the inhabitants from Florida with the 5 Cuban antiterrorist fighters that are imprisoned in United States jails have a new space with the creation of a solidarity group with the 5 Cuban heroes.

The creation of this group was a propitious moment to present a web page dedicated to disclose the real facts about the unfair case of the Cuban antiterrorists and to read some texts sent by Antonio Guerrero and Gerardo Hernández to the Florida’s inhabitants.

Barbara Baryolo, member of the main direction of the Communist party from Florida, explained the importance to increase the actions to disclose the true about this case and she also made reference to the significance that has the fact that our children and young people know about it and integrate the struggle for the return to these heroes to their motherland.

The new group of solidarity with Rene, Ramon, Gerardo, Antonio and Fernando who are imprisoned in United States jails are headed by Roberto Rodriguez Torrez and from now on it developed activities such as books presentation, encounters with the family and friends of the Cuban antiterrorist fighters and other actions that increase the struggle for this 5 patriots freedom.

miércoles, 21 de enero de 2009

The course tutor: a main figure in the new model of the professional’s formation

By: Reinier Barrios Mesa

The differentiated attention and the advice of the course tutors with the students from the municipal universities is a priority for the work in this kind of education in Florida as a response to the demand that requires the new model of professional’s formation.

Most of The men and women that work as course tutors are directly connected to different productive and service entities, they have the educational category of associate professors and they put all their experience in favour to the student’s knowledge.

In the 4 universities from the municipality, the principals work to increase the course tutors demand and the presence of them in the different process that take place in this educational institutions as well as in the extracurricular activities that are developed in these centers.

This topic constitutes a priority in Florida today and in each university institution are adopted some strategies that guarantee the course tutors presence and the quality in the formation of the new professionals from the territory.

martes, 6 de enero de 2009

The convoy of the victory: 5 decades to remember

By Reinier Barrios Mesa

50 years after, the convoy of the victory come to Florida again, but this time the bearded men are young people and pioneers, who reissue that memorable day in which the rebel columns crossed by this territory.

Since January 1st, 1959, the people took the streets to receive the rebel combatants from the different columns that were arriving to the city: for the Cuban people this day a new era began.

When the convoy arrived to the capital of the country, many curious people went to see the rebels and the army that was defeated by the Cuban combatants who marched together and the message was evident: in the new era, all the people must march together in the construction of the new society.

One of those soldiers talked with the young people who were close to the convoy about the possibilities of study they will have with the revolution.

The people, who lived in Florida 5The convoy of the victory: 5 decades to remember years ago, welcomed the convoy of the victory and they understood the rebel soldier’s ethics as a symbol of the new era that began in Cuba.

jueves, 1 de enero de 2009

The people from Florida are paying attention to the ceremony for the 50 anniversary of the Revolution

By Reinier Barrios Mesa

In spite of the people from Florida are celebrating the new year yet, they are paying attention to the ceremony that takes place in Santiago de Cuba to celebrate the 50 anniversary of the Cuban Revolution.

Since very early in the morning, the inhabitants from Florida putted Cuban and the July 26 flags in their houses and convoked all the family to share together the important event.

In this moment, the people who live in this municipality watch the television and listen to the radio to follow all the ceremony that it is homage to the triumph of this revolution that it is an example for all the nations in the world.