miércoles, 24 de diciembre de 2008

The condition “The Moncada Heroes” recognizes the work of the Florida’s educators

By: Reinier Barrios Mesa

A total of 23 educational centers from Florida received the condition “The Moncada Heroes” because of the results obtained in the indicators that are taking into account to evaluate the work.

Among the centers that received this merit stand out the infant institution” little seeds of the future”, which has the best tutor and the most outstanding principal from this sector in the municipality.

This condition was also received by other centers such as the primary schools “Jose Marti”, “Renato Guitart” and “Tania La Guerrillera” as well as the special school “Jose Luis Tassende”, institutions that show excellent results in indicators such as the teacher’s superseding and the quality of the classes.

The presentation of “The Moncada Heroes” condition to 23 educational centers from Florida is a show of the dedication and responsibility of the workers from this sector, which follow de example of teachers such as Varela, Marti and Jose Antonio Saco.

domingo, 14 de diciembre de 2008

The youth clubs of computer from Florida offer new courses for professionals

By Reinier Barrios Mesa

The youth clubs of computer from Florida propose to the professionals from the territory a new possibility of academic superseding through a group of courses that will propitiate the study of programs and applications that will be very useful in the labour they develop.

The creation of habilities in the use of computer tools, the design of web pages, the use of the photo shop program and the search of information in the national red and in internet are among the possibilities that will have the university graduates from the territory with this option.

This initiative will be developed as a post graduate course and it will add two scientific credits to the academic curriculum of those people who approve each one of the contents as well as it will facilitate the use of the equipments located on these installations in favour to the learning and the knowledge about other sciences.

The registers to have access to these courses will be open during December and January and they want to create a space for professionals from some branches of the science in the municipality.

lunes, 8 de diciembre de 2008

The people from Florida paid tribute to their martyrs

By Reinier Barrios Mesa.

A day of homage to the men who died in missions related to the defense of the country took place this Sunday in Florida, as part of the activities for the 19th anniversary of the tribute operation that honours the heroes and martyrs of internationalist missions and other actions in favour to the Revolution.

Since very early in the morning, the family of the combatants, the principal leaders and many people from Florida covered the streets of the city to place flowers in the cultural center “Luis Casas Romero” and in the bust of Antonio Maceo, located in the park “Jose Marti”.

The pilgrimage continued towards the cemetery, place where was developed a military ceremony, where the art instructors sang songs and recited poems that recalled the Giron days, the struggle against bandits, the Cuban mission in Angola and other actions to defend the Revolution.

In the pantheon of the men who fell in combat were placed flowers in the name of the Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, the minister of the Revolutionary armed forces and the people from Florida.

The ceremony celebrated this December 7th in Florida ended with the homage to the family of these martyrs to confirm once again the importance to bring to the present the history of more than 50 years of battles, guided by the proletarian internationalism and the love for freedom.

domingo, 7 de diciembre de 2008

Jose Marti park, a part of the Florida’s identity

By Reinier Barrios Mesa.

Our Jose Marti park, admired by all the visitors, has an area of 8000 square meters. Inaugurated on May 20, 1944, in commemoration of the anniversary of the restoration of the republic.

These festivities marked the end of almost thirty years of class struggle in relation to the municipal park.
A commission, guided by Julio Alvarez Quijano, promoted and obtained the land, with an eye to its future value for the city.

It was very hard to fight against disbelief, because many people couldn’t see the importance of such a little park. In the 1920s the commission began to lay out the land and planted eight palms in commemoration of the medical students executed in 1871.

Students from the territory planted a tree in commemoration of Arbor Day and placed a statue of our national hero Jose Marti. The absence of economic resources limited park construction briefly, but work continued during the 1940s.

The park plan calls for two kind of benches : one with arms and the other without.Each person contributed according to his or her ability to pay.

Park benches were made of granite and on their upper portion was inscribed the names of those in charge of this project wrote their names. his situation, brought as a result that when the park was ended seemed a publicity seat.

On 1953 began the reconstruction of the park to give it more aesthetic with wood benches.
The Jose marti park is like the heart of the city, thanks to it the history had lived and its trees are symbol not just of cubanity but the homage too.

On its sculptures and statues, people have collocated remembers , memories and deserved honours and on its benches, the love have been always present, many lovers gave their first and last kiss in this place, so, this park is part of the Florida’s identity.

viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2008

Celebrated in Florida the 52 anniversary of the Granma yacht disembark.

By Reinier Barrios Mesa.

With a patriotic and military ceremony, the members of the revolutionary armed forces from Florida celebrated the 52 anniversary of the Granma yacht disembark and confirmed the soldiers and officers commitment to star in each one of the missions and tasks assigned by the Communist Party from the territory.

With the participation of Jesús Camilo Polo Vazques, main political leader from the municipality, the combatants remembered the history of the struggle in the “Sierra Maestra”, stared in by the rebel army.

During the ceremony, a group of officers were promoted to a superior rank and was also recognized the work of other mates, which dedication and participation in heroic events deserve to be admired by all the Cuban people.

This ceremony is the beginning of the activities in salutation to the 52 anniversary of the Granma yacht disembark and the creation of the revolutionary armed forces, dates that have an special connotation this year because the Cuban revolution will has half a century next January 1st.

49 years of a quarter that became school

By Reinier Barrios Mesa.

The attempts to become Florida in a different city began since January 1959, when the revolutionary government took possession of the power and announced laws and measures that made possible to deliver the wealth
generated in this city to the inhabitants from the country.

On November 22nd, 1959, the old quarter of Batista’s army became an educational center named “Jose Marti”, where hundred of children knew for first time the numbers and the letters.

The walls that before the revolution triumph heard the cry of pain of the people were tortured by the rural guard, now heard the laughs of children, who have the dream to learn.

During the latest 49 years, the old quarter was the school of many people from Florida and its classrooms and other locals have been used as venue of important scientific and cultural events.

After a total repairing as part of the ideas battle developed in Cuba, the primary school “Jose Marti” has new benefits such as a new dining room, a large square, televisions in each classroom and an internal red that make possible the showing of videos and other educational materials.

The school that gives prestige to the name of the apostle “Jose Marti” is past and present, memory and tradition, it constitute a pride for the people who live here nowadays.