50 years after, the convoy of the victory come to Florida again, but this time the bearded men are young people and pioneers, who reissue that memorable day in which the rebel columns crossed by this territory.
Since January 1st, 1959, the people took the streets to receive the rebel combatants from the different columns that were arriving to the city: for the Cuban people this day a new era began.
When the convoy arrived to the capital of the country, many curious people went to see the rebels and the army that was defeated by the Cuban combatants who marched together and the message was evident: in the new era, all the people must march together in the construction of the new society.
One of those soldiers talked with the young people who were close to the convoy about the possibilities of study they will have with the revolution.
The people, who lived in Florida 5The convoy of the victory: 5 decades to remember years ago, welcomed the convoy of the victory and they understood the rebel soldier’s ethics as a symbol of the new era that began in Cuba.
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