jueves, 22 de enero de 2009

A new group of solidarity with the 5 Cuban heroes was created in Florida

By Reinier Barrios Mesa

The solidarity and the dedication of the inhabitants from Florida with the 5 Cuban antiterrorist fighters that are imprisoned in United States jails have a new space with the creation of a solidarity group with the 5 Cuban heroes.

The creation of this group was a propitious moment to present a web page dedicated to disclose the real facts about the unfair case of the Cuban antiterrorists and to read some texts sent by Antonio Guerrero and Gerardo Hernández to the Florida’s inhabitants.

Barbara Baryolo, member of the main direction of the Communist party from Florida, explained the importance to increase the actions to disclose the true about this case and she also made reference to the significance that has the fact that our children and young people know about it and integrate the struggle for the return to these heroes to their motherland.

The new group of solidarity with Rene, Ramon, Gerardo, Antonio and Fernando who are imprisoned in United States jails are headed by Roberto Rodriguez Torrez and from now on it developed activities such as books presentation, encounters with the family and friends of the Cuban antiterrorist fighters and other actions that increase the struggle for this 5 patriots freedom.

miércoles, 21 de enero de 2009

The course tutor: a main figure in the new model of the professional’s formation

By: Reinier Barrios Mesa

The differentiated attention and the advice of the course tutors with the students from the municipal universities is a priority for the work in this kind of education in Florida as a response to the demand that requires the new model of professional’s formation.

Most of The men and women that work as course tutors are directly connected to different productive and service entities, they have the educational category of associate professors and they put all their experience in favour to the student’s knowledge.

In the 4 universities from the municipality, the principals work to increase the course tutors demand and the presence of them in the different process that take place in this educational institutions as well as in the extracurricular activities that are developed in these centers.

This topic constitutes a priority in Florida today and in each university institution are adopted some strategies that guarantee the course tutors presence and the quality in the formation of the new professionals from the territory.

martes, 6 de enero de 2009

The convoy of the victory: 5 decades to remember

By Reinier Barrios Mesa

50 years after, the convoy of the victory come to Florida again, but this time the bearded men are young people and pioneers, who reissue that memorable day in which the rebel columns crossed by this territory.

Since January 1st, 1959, the people took the streets to receive the rebel combatants from the different columns that were arriving to the city: for the Cuban people this day a new era began.

When the convoy arrived to the capital of the country, many curious people went to see the rebels and the army that was defeated by the Cuban combatants who marched together and the message was evident: in the new era, all the people must march together in the construction of the new society.

One of those soldiers talked with the young people who were close to the convoy about the possibilities of study they will have with the revolution.

The people, who lived in Florida 5The convoy of the victory: 5 decades to remember years ago, welcomed the convoy of the victory and they understood the rebel soldier’s ethics as a symbol of the new era that began in Cuba.

jueves, 1 de enero de 2009

The people from Florida are paying attention to the ceremony for the 50 anniversary of the Revolution

By Reinier Barrios Mesa

In spite of the people from Florida are celebrating the new year yet, they are paying attention to the ceremony that takes place in Santiago de Cuba to celebrate the 50 anniversary of the Cuban Revolution.

Since very early in the morning, the inhabitants from Florida putted Cuban and the July 26 flags in their houses and convoked all the family to share together the important event.

In this moment, the people who live in this municipality watch the television and listen to the radio to follow all the ceremony that it is homage to the triumph of this revolution that it is an example for all the nations in the world.